Kletterwald Ossiacher See is on the same location as the Familywald and offers a multitude of unforgettable activities. Hours' worth of fun for visitors of all ages!
With breathtaking views, the Kletterwald is located in the middle of a beautifully maintained, ancient beech tree forest only five minutes walking distance form the center of Ossiach.
Awaiting you in Kletterwald Ossiacher See are over 150 exercises, including four new parcours, a zipline parcour and more! The Kletterwald is one of the largest Tree Top Adventure Parks in Austria and makes your family outing a unique and memorable experience in Carinthia.
Dense foliage makes this Tree Top Adventure Park the ideal weekend trip destination for young and old in Carinthia even in rainy weather and on hot days!
Relax and take your time on our panoramic terrace with drinks, ice cream, snacks and coffee and enjoy the unique views of the Lake Ossiach, the Gerlitzen Alps as well as the surrounding mountains.
Austrias first Forest Rollercoaster "Fly-Line" is made for young and old advenuters alike and can be ridden already starting at 2 years old.
We also offer School Trips, Birthday Parties and Company Events in the most perfect location!
The Familywald Ossiacher See, a 30.000 m² outdoor adventure park is also located in the ancient beech tree forest on the same location.
Come visit us at Kletterwald Ossiacher See!